Client: Trendi cyber crime Eliteciso - ELITECISOs is a private member-only forum for global information security leaders working in public and private sector organizations.
Objective: To curate Business Gifts for the event named “Risk to Rebellions”, an interactive event for the forum's exclusive members. The hampers must
- Include basic stationery
- Contain an edible with a shelf life
- Have items that are customizable with the brand logo
Approach: The clients gave us an understanding of the event and were clear on the items as they also wanted branding on some of them. We explored a few options for various desktop accessories, especially notebooks, before settling on a style that best went with the client's mood.
After the discussion on the requirements, the team and clients finally settled on five items in the hamper, with customizations for two of them. The hamper contained a cork notebook with the company logo and a bamboo coffee sipper with their logo. The other items in the hamper included a magnetic post-it board that can be mounted on any metallic surface, a pen in a bamboo finish, and a jar of instant coffee.
The overall gift hamper was a fine mix of desk accessories, keepsakes, and edibles and worked perfectly for the client's requirements. The client’s logo contrasted perfectly against the items in the hamper and fulfilled their requirements perfectly.
From the client: “We needed the hampers for a worldwide event and the curation here fit perfectly into our budget and criteria. We wanted to keep the hamper quite formal as the event was for a discussion on current trends and security software. We also were keen on an edible with shelf life and the coffee powder was the perfect addition. Overall, the hamper was made to our exact requirements.”
Conclusion: The hamper was put together for an evil on a global platform and we curated a hamper that was very functional and utilitarian. The client had specific guidelines about the logo printed on certain items and we were able to curate the hamper in such a way that these needs could be accommodated.